Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Incredible Hulk - movie expectations

Honestly, if not for the cast i would have passed on this new remake (following the previous flop of the 2003 Hulk) of The Incredible Hulk. In fact i would have scheduled my viewing of this movie for a sleepless Sunday night usually reserved for mindless flipping through TV stations. Yet i am about to go see it in the movie theater. What gives?

I must say i am not opposed to superhero movies, in fact i thought that Iron Man totally rocked. Given the technological advancement of special effects these days (lets face it, the plot is usually pretty thin when it comes to superheroes), i think that superhero movies are all about the dialog and the casting. Robert Downey Jr was absolutely perfect in the role of Tony Stark. Nobody could do it better. Another example is Tobey Maguire being the perfect match for the role of Spiderman. Who can leave out Christian Bale who might just be the absolute definition of Batman?

This brings me to the following: Edward Norton and Tim Roth - two of my favorite actors and William Hurt to boot? Sign me up.

Expectations? As high as they can be given the genre. Review to follow.

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